Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Bowl CANCELED

Due the weather the turkey has been canceled I mean it's not raining so the grass is a little slippery but that's what football is all about. But our counselors think that it might be dangerous but only the football players will be slipping and it will be really fun. I don't even think it's raining any more. Oh well the good thing is that today is the last day of school before we take off for Thanksgiving break.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rain for Tomorrow

It has been said by the weathermen and everybody that tomorrow Wednesday will be a rainy day. But I don't want it to rain because if it does then our Turkey Bowl will be canceled. But today it does not look like that their will be rain because it's sunny. Yet again it's not my decision I mean I can't control the weather, then again neither can the weathermen so who are they to tell us that it's going to rain. Thursday that's a good day for it to rain, no school, an the game already would have ended. But oh well if it rains it rains I just really don't want it to.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Gears of War 2

This new game; Gears of war 2 is the continuance to the first game. Unfortunately I have not played it yet but I have played the first game and if this one is anything like the first then I know that it is going to be a great game. I can't wait until I buy this game I think it's about $50 or more and I can believe that they would charge that much because it is so hard, challenging, and awesome. I'm going to buy this game for the x box 360. I just hope that this game doesn't end up being a waste of money.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I know that you guys know that their will be no school on Thursday and Friday also next Wednesday will be an early day. So what are you guys going to do, for me I was going to go to Home Town buffet but now we decided that we are going to spend it with our family. It's going to be cool though I mean we are going to have this big fat turkey with beer injected. Also I'm going to eat mashed potatoes, sweat corn, pumpkin pie, and carrot cake. But I am just happy that we are going to miss school.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Channel One

You know what I have just realized, that every day in second period around 9:15 we always watch this thing called Channel one news it's this little internet show online. It's talks about recent news like regular news shows accept it throws in fun stuff like one more thing, the next big thing, your turn, and more activities but if you want to know what they are..... then watch the show because I'm not goin to tell you. It's kind of wierd that their show couldn't make it on T.V. like the big stations like channel 4, 5, 9, and 11 but their show is still pretty great even though it's on the internet.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sprained Wrist

Yesterday I had happened to sprain my wrist and it didn't hurt that much but today in the morning it was painful. It was probably because I must of slept on my wrist. It all started when I went to my friend's house he had two ramps and was able to go up both of them with my skate board. But I wanted to use his bike for fun so I went up the little ramp and I landed it. And then it was time to try the big one but I went to fast up the ramp and went to high so when I landed my wrist bent forward and I fell off the bike. So now I have a sprained wrist.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

NO Gym

For all of the school districts all outdoor activities have been cancelled due to the poor air from the fire. It has been cancelled for two days yesterday and today. Especially all gym classes instead your teachers will probally just have you go inside your gymnasium and do exercises or watch a movie like we did. We got to watch Kung Fu Panda because were cool like that, you guys are probally going to be watching something like a school documentary that has bad actors. Just telling you all outdoor activites will be cancelled.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sylmar Fires

Due to the recent high temperature, low humidity, and high-speed winds that go up to 80 mph it makes Los Angeles the perfect spot for recent wild fires or intentional(on purpose) fires. This Friday a fire broke out in Veterans park at 10:30 pm. And I was their to see when it started, you see we were on our way to pick up my brother from his friend's house in Mountain Glen Terrace and on our way back we saw a big fire and there were no sirens at the scene yet so we reported it to 911 but they already knew and they were on their way.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Giants vs Eagles

It was the Philadelphia Eagles @ New York Giants and this was a good game I mean it was so close but in the end it was the New York Giants who took the win. If you saw this game you would of been amazed by both of the team's effort, but the Giants had this game in the bag with a win of 36-31the eagles were only 5 points away. Both teams got touch downs every quarter but it looked like the eagles were enable to get those field goals. well based on the past games it looks like the Giants have just been dominating the eagles. But both teams should be proud for giving up a good game.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Earth Quake Drill

Now their was just an earth quake drill at Frost Middle school. Actually this quake was nation wide because it was predicted that their was going to be an earthquake that was going to be bigger than the 1994 North ridge earth quake. But like I thought nothing happened like always I think we need to have better weather men and predictors because their always telling lies. But who knows maybe their can be an Earth quake?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Having a TV in your Room

Studies have shown that teens that have a TV in their room are most likely to do bad in school, not get out and exerecise, and not spend time with their friends. It has been revealed that seven hundred teens who don't have a TV in their room are having more fun with friends, are fit, and are doing great in school. Maybe you think twice before you pick up that remote but it all true some kids who have a TV in their are strong, get good grades, and spend time with their family.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

No School

It is november 11, 2008 and I am sure you guys are aware that their is no school man I am so happy because all I am doing it playing guitar hero world tour. I've already finished all my homework so I had the whole day to relax. I hope we go out to eat some thing special like home town or olive garden since we have nothing to do. I guess I can get a head start on this project that isn't due until next Friday. What ever man I'm just glad that their was no school today.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Veterans Day

Today is November 10 and tomorrow is Veterans day and I know you are all aware of the lack of school tomorrow. I know I do, I already have my whole day planned out. For me I am just going to stay at home do nothing and play video games in my boxers. The only thing that I don't like is that we are to miss school on November 11 which is a Tuesday, we get out early on Tuesday. It's hardly going to do any difference I mean the only that's going to change is that we don't have to get up at 6:00 am that's good.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Army Video Game

There is a new army game going around it an army simulation it like a real life virtual game. The point of this game is to get more people to inlist in the army. The game only shows how fun it is to kill people but they don't know how it really is to kill some one. I mean to kill some and not let them ever see their family again. We get sad when one of our own die in war well that's how the other people feel when we kill them.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Movies

Right now only two good movies come mind and they are Twilight and the new re-made Friday the 13th. Believe that these movies will be really good because I've already seen the trailers and I thought they were pretty good. I give these new movies both two thumbs up. I just might go see them the first they come out in theaters. I just hope their not one of those movies that lead you to believe that their really great and then they stink like the movie Cloverfield. Because I saw that movie and it was not that great trust me. So yeah I will go to see those movies but with my friends because it's more fun.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New President and Props

It's November 5, 2008 and last night were the presidential election results. But if you missed it it's okay because the winner turned out to be none other then Barrack Obama. But Obama will not be in office until January 19th, 2009. The ending score was 349 to 163 electoral vote. And as for prop 8 the right to gay marriage every body voted yes on it. Now for the presidential score their are only 2 more states that need to be called. But either way it's not to change the final out come, Barrack Obama will still be president because he past the 270 vote line.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Go Vote

It's time for every body to go out and vote the president because it November 4, 2008. Today in California the polls will close at 8:00 pm so you will need to hurry up. The tension will be on today who will pick John McCain or Barrack Obama? It looks like that tonight on t.v. at 8:00 we will know who is going to be president and who is going to be leading our counrty. I sure hope the United States made a good choice on who it want's to be the future leader of our country(USA).


Today November 4, 2008 will be the presidential elections and it is time to cast your ballot. You should cast your baloot because it matters you make America.

Monday, November 3, 2008

No To Abortions!!!!!!!

I think that we need to stop the abortions because then we are killing. I believe that the only reason a woman should get an abortion is in the case of rape or problems to the health of the mother. Every time you commit an abortion you are preventing a new person's life. A baby was just killed because they didn't want to take responsibility for their actions. I mean if they chose to do it then they should choose to take care of what comes after. A new human being just lost their opportunity to come into this world and live their life because some woman thought that she wasn't ready to take care of responsibility.