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Today it's October 31st and it's a happy Halloween, so how are you going to spend yours? For me I"m going to go to the Universal Studios Halloween Horror nights. Since today is actually Halloween day I'm expecting it be really good. They going to have three scary people plus an additional one. these people are Freddy Kruger, Jason, Leather Face, and the Universal studio Clown. I better get a fright because the tickets are $60 each I just hope it's worth it. Each person is going to have a maze of their own so it should be a very scary HALLOWEEN!
Today in gym class at Frost Middle School the students will be running six laps on the grass field so make sure to do your stretches. You will also be required to take your clothes home, the reason for why they are doing this is because tomorrow is Halloween. So they had us do our regular Friday routine so we can have free play tomorrow so we don't sweat in our costumes. That's why they made us run six laps in twenty minutes. So remember to dress up because tomorrow is Halloween but be safe when you are trick or treating.
Today October 29,2008 Barrack Obama won the channel one's one vote. The cast of the internet news reports; Channel one went to Pennsylvania to declare the winner. Senator Obama won in a major land slide leaving McCain in the dust. Is going to be a repeat of the actual elections, I hope so. I want Obama to win the general elections on November 4th so he can change our country for the better. So remember to cast your ballot on November 4th remember your vote can make a difference.
I think we should get rid of Affirmative actions because it is discriminating to the people of different races and it is discriminating to people of a different gender. Affirmative actions were made so that people from a lower social class could attend schools just because of their race/ gender. I think that people should get in to school because of their hard work and their good grades not because of a hand out due to their race/ gender. This is why I think we should get rid of it
In the 2008 elections between the two presidential candidates of Barrack Obama and John McCain I will be supporting Barrack Obama. I believe that Obama will be a new beginning for America and the residents living here. I go for Obama because he is focusing on the middle class and the people losing their job, you see it's not always about the rich their are more people to worry about too. I think McCain is just another Bush wating to happen and I don't want to beat around any more Bushes. I will also be supporting Obama because he is willing to end the war in Iraq unlike McCain who wants to keep the war and the violence. And that's what we need a new peaceful America, and when we do that we will have more money for our economy.